Deciding to be healthy

Recently I have been attacked with too much illnesses. There was this constant well.. it’s kinda awkward to share it here.. here it goes.. I’ve been having diarrhea (I’ll just call it belly dancing to make it sound less yucky).. There was not a week where I have not been visited.. one time I really have to work half day because I’ve been going 4 rounds to the office comfort room and it seem to never get better.. i couldn’t afford to be absent again so the next time i was having belly dancing again I just have to suffer all the going back and fort to the bathroom.. i don’t know about you but i have this trouble doing number 2 in public places and in this situation i really don’t have any other option but to try to convince myself that i was just at home. but it’s so hard when so many people uses the bathroom and their mere presence is so distracting.. not only is it painful but humiliating.. again don’t have a choice rather than to find a way to prevent this from happening..

Before I could even start getting healthy again just this week i was belly dancing again.. this ain’t your ordinary belly dancing because this time it was accompanied with fever, nausea, stomach cramps, flu symptoms, and trouble peeing.. I couldn’t go see the doctor because I can’t afford a doctor right now.. i don’t have yet an insurance so i just have to self diagnose with the help of my bestfriend, google.. i googled all the symptoms and turns out that i was having a stomach flu and as what the internet says this illness could last 2-10 days and amazingly it was right, after 3 days I was ok and that was yesterday..  Unfortunately I still haven’t lost the other symptom, the having trouble peeing.. not just that it’s painful whenever I release urine, the color is as almost closed to brown and it smells like ammonia.. and so i ask my dear friend again.. i typed down the symptom and it turns out I might have a UTI.. I could have had the bacteria from all the belly dancing.. I don’t know how I am going to cure myself with this.. i have already consumed 4 glasses of water and a cup of coffee and still i don’t feel any better.. so i thought that there has got to be more I need to do.

Drink at 8 glasses of water

This I really have a hard time doing. I only drink water when I eat something or when I do physical activity. I would be happy if just for 7 straight days i can do this. 8 glasses of water a day.

Drink yakult daily

I need probiotic as what my dear friend tells me. she recently convinced me to take yakult. i’ve had this when i was a kid and i never really liked its taste. I just don’t understand why i seem to be the only person whose face distorts whenever i take a sip of yakult. the reason why i don’t drink this even if someone would give it to me for free is that i feel like I am drinking a vinegar with sugar. but since my tummy has not been doing ok i have to endure its taste from now on.

Less salt and sugar

I love my food to be salty and i love sweets. i have to be careful this time though. this has got to be the hardest thing that i have to give up. but i’m not getting any younger anymore and the older one gets the less of those i should be having.

More fiber

I love vegetables well except for ocra. the only trouble is since i have to wake up early and i go home late i no longer have the time for cooking and yeah i prefer my veggies being cooked. so i don’t have much fiber in my body. i have to make up by taking oats in the morning. if i don’t like yakult the more with oats. yesterday i really tried. it took me an hour to finish half of a bowl. i’ll do much better next time. just needed something to cover the taste of oats. maybe add some fruits. and oh I was also thinkin of trying salad. i dont like the taste of lettuce but they say that when you put on some dressing it will taste better. we’ll see.


I need to exercise even though i walk like 20 minutes everyday. ever since i came here in manila i haven’t  been into any physical activities. no more mountain climbing and jogging. it’s different here. traveling from my office to my house takes too much of my time. so when i get home i am already exhausted. I am thinking of enrolling myself to a gym but as of the moment that can’t be an option since i am not yet a regular employee in my new company. i would need to save up some money just in case the worse thing could happen to me. so gym is really a good idea but have to put a pin on it till november.

From the above list I have to follow all those starting today.  so i raise my fifth glass of water! TO GOOD HEALTH!